Summer Reading: Program and Evidence
(Allyn and Bacon 2007)
Fay Shin and Stephen Krashen Posted: 2015-06-03 |
Explorations in Language Acquisition and Use chapter one
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2020-01-04 |
English Fever
(Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 2006)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-08-25 |
English Fever
(Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 2006)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-08-25 |
English Fever
(Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 2006)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-08-25 |
English Fever
(Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 2006)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-08-25 |
The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom
(Alemany 1983)
Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell Posted: 2018-02-19 |
A short, narrow and biased introduction to statistics
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2015-06-10 |
Under Attack: The Case Against Bilingual Education
(Culver City: Language Education Associates (Out of Print))
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2015-04-13 |
Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition
Stephen D. Krashen Posted: 2004-03-20 |
Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning (1981)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2003-02-16 |
English Fever
(Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 2006)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-08-25 |
Summer Reading: Program and Evidence
Stephen Krashen with Fay Shin Posted: 2013-10-31 |
English Learners in American Classrooms
Stephen Krashen with James Crawford Posted: 2013-10-31 |
Free Voluntary Reading
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2013-10-31 |
The Power of Reading (Second Edition, 2004)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2004-09-22 |
Explorations in Language Acquisition and Use: The Taipei Lectures. (2003)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2003-02-16 |
what about writing?
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2020-05-20 |
conduit hypothesis handout
(presented at mittenCI 2019)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-04-28 |
Intermediate Fluency Fast
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2017-07-06 |
88 Generalizations about Free Voluntary Reading
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2004-11-21 |
Why we should support libraries
(Santa Monica Daily Press, May 1, 2020)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2020-05-03 |
Background knowledge thru reading, limits of phonics
(School Admistration,March 2020)
Jeff McQuillan, Stephen Krashen Posted: 2020-03-01 |
2020 foundational skills
(Ed week 2 25 20)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2020-02-27 |
Are ‘Foundational Literacy Skills’ acquired or learned? Let’s consider ALL the evidence.
(Educational Week, 2/25/2020)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2020-02-27 |
response to wash post re school librarians
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2020-02-24 |
The limits of intensive phonics
(sent to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2020-01-23 |
The questionable value of literacy instruction
(Submitted to the NY Times, Jan 21, 2020.)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2020-01-22 |
What kind of test?
(Submitted to Portland Press-Herald)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-12-30 |
Phonics and Mississippi Test Scores
(Submitted for publication)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-12-07 |
Limits of phonics
( fewer-pupils-reaching-expected-standard-in-phonics-1726338/)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-10-02 |
Start school earlier
(Submitted to LA Times, Sept 2019)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-09-24 |
Michigan drop in reading
(not submitted)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-09-10 |
Phonics: Parents, calm down
(Submitted to Moms)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-09-07 |
(comment on smart brief 8 29 19)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-08-30 |
(Comment on Ed Pulse)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-08-29 |
Effort makes English easier to comprehend
(Letter published in Reading Eagle Aug 17, 2019)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-08-20 |
Research on Duolingo
(Submitted to Forbes)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-07-17 |
basic phonics
(sent the Sydney Morning Herald)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-06-24 |
Ignore phonics tests
(Sydney Morning Herald, June 19, 2019)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-06-19 |
Ignore phonics tests
(Sydney Morning Herald, June 19, 2019)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-06-19 |
Ignore phonics tests
(Sydney Morning News, June 19, 2019)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-06-19 |
Why this obsession with early language instruction?
(Sent to the Hindustan Times)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-06-08 |
letter to the daily star
(submitted to the daily star)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-05-26 |
Juan Soto and English
(submitted to USA Today May 2019)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-05-18 |
Libraries work!
(Los Angeles Times May 7, 2019)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-05-07 |
Early algebra?
(Posted as comment at Education week (blog))
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-04-24 |
Poor spelling an indication of more serious problems
(Washington Post, March 26, 2018)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-03-01 |
Respect for the working class
(NY Times, letter, January 29, 2019.)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-01-29 |
Opinion: Lack of Respect for the Working Class
(New York Times, Jan 20,2019)
Daniel Wasik Posted: 2019-01-23 |
What I would like to see happen in 2019: Easy and free access to all scientific knowledge.
(Language Magazine, January 2019)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-01-10 |
Comments on Morning Edition, Jan 4, 2019
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2019-01-03 |
A modest proposal
(Provdence Journal Dec 26, 2018)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-12-30 |
Lengthen the School Day? Let's get serious
(Sumibtted for publication)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-12-20 |
A longer school day? Let's get serious
(Submitted to the Providence Journal, Dec 20, 2018)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-12-20 |
Accelerated Reader: No clear evidence it is effective, and it may be harmful
(Rethinking Schools, 2010, spring #8)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-12-05 |
Protect children from the effects of poverty
(Letter, LA Times, Nov 22, 2018)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-11-22 |
Rating English Proficiency
(Taipei Times, November 13, 2018)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-11-12 |
Whole language, whole word
(Sent to the NY Times, November 2018)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-11-05 |
The case against intensive phonics
(Submitted to the New York Times, October 2018)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-10-30 |
Oral English tests
(Taipei Times, October 13, 2018, letters)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-10-12 |
Using funding in the right way: School librarians
(Los Angeles Times Oct 10, 2018)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-10-12 |
Is this disrespect?
(Malibu Times, Sept 14, 2018)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-09-14 |
insights from polyglots
(Submitted to the New Yorker)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-09-04 |
Response to Hiler
(Language Magazine, August 2018)
Stephen Krashen Posted: 2018-08-13 |
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