Stephen D Krashen

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Summer Reading: Program and Evidence (Allyn and Bacon 2007)
Fay Shin and Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2015-06-03

Explorations in Language Acquisition and Use chapter one (Heinemann)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2020-01-04

English Fever (Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 2006)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2019-08-25

English Fever (Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 2006)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2019-08-25

English Fever (Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 2006)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2019-08-25

English Fever (Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 2006)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2019-08-25

The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom (Alemany 1983)
Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell
Posted: 2018-02-19

A short, narrow and biased introduction to statistics
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2015-06-10

Under Attack: The Case Against Bilingual Education (Culver City: Language Education Associates (Out of Print))
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2015-04-13

Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition
Stephen D. Krashen
Posted: 2004-03-20

Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning (1981)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2003-02-16


Literacy: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics

Literacy: Free Voluntary Reading

Literacy: Writing

Common Core, National Reading Panel, NCLB

Bilingual Education

Language Acquisition


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Letters to the Editor

Bilingual Education/Heritage Language Education

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English Fever (Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 2006)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2019-08-25

Summer Reading: Program and Evidence (2007)
Stephen Krashen with Fay Shin
Posted: 2013-10-31

English Learners in American Classrooms (2007)
Stephen Krashen with James Crawford
Posted: 2013-10-31

Free Voluntary Reading (2011)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2013-10-31

The Power of Reading (Second Edition, 2004)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2004-09-22

Explorations in Language Acquisition and Use: The Taipei Lectures. (2003)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2003-02-16


what about writing? (handout)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2020-05-20

conduit hypothesis handout (presented at mittenCI 2019)
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2019-04-28

Intermediate Fluency Fast
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2017-07-06

88 Generalizations about Free Voluntary Reading
Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2004-11-21

Articles By Topic

Bilingual Education
SES as defacto bilingual education (In Krashen, S. Under Attack)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2020-03-08

The consistent outcome of bilingual education programs. (In G. McField (Ed) The Miseduaton of English Learners. 2014 Information Age Publishing 267-297.)
Grace McField and David McField      Posted: 2020-01-15

Heritage Language Literacy: A Study of US Biliterates (Language Culture and Curriculum, 2001)
Lucy Tse      Posted: 2019-09-22

Arnold's Advantages: How Governor Schwarzenegger Acquired English Through De Facto Bilingual Education
F.Ramos and S. Krashen      Posted: 2019-05-23

Arnold's Advantages: How Governor Schwarzenegger Acquired English Through De Facto Bilingual Education
F, Ramos and S. Krashen      Posted: 2019-05-23

Early (grade 2) reading ability in the first language correlates with subsequent (grade 6) reading ability in the second language: A longitudinal confirmation of the Interdependence Hypothesis. (IJFLT5(2):3-2)
Dow, P., Krashen, S. and Tinajero, J.      Posted: 2018-07-10

The ameliorating effects of high socioeconomic status: A secondary analysis (Bilingual Research Journal 29(1): 185-196.)
Stephen Krashen and Clara Lee Brown      Posted: 2016-08-27

Development of the first language is not a barrier to second-language acquisition: Evidence from Vietnamese immigrants to the United States. (International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 4(3): 159-164. 2001.)
Nguyen, A., Shin, F., and Krashen, S.      Posted: 2015-01-27

Three roles for reading for language-minority students. (In G. Garcia (Ed.) English Learners: Reaching the Highest Level of English Proficiency. Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association. Pp. 55-70. 2003.)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2014-02-07

Krashen, S. 2005. The acquisition of English by children in two-way programs: What does the research say? In V. Gonzales and J. Tinajero (Eds.) Review of Research and Practice, National Association for Bilingual Education, vol 3: 1-19.
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2013-05-24

Is Self-Selected Pleasure Reading the Cure for the Long-Term ELL Syndrome? A Case History (Stephen Krashen and Connie Williams NABE Perspectives September-December 2012, p.26 )
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2013-03-11

Keeping Your Brain Young (Language Magazine, October, 2010)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2010-12-21

"Comments on a recent critique" (From Krashen, S. 1996. Under Attack: The Case Against Bilingual Education, Culver City: Language Education Associates)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2009-11-29

Remarks on C. Rossell, 'Does bilingual education work? The case of Texas' (2009)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2009-11-29

Comments on Johanna Haver, Structured English Immersion (2003)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

Did Immersion Triumph in Arizona? (2004; The ELL Outlook (Course Crafters)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

What Do We Know about Heritage Languages? What Do We Need to Learn About Them? (2004; Multicultural Education, 11(4): 23-26)
Cho, G., Shin, F. and Krashen, S.      Posted: 2006-12-28

When Evidence Supporting Bilingual Education is Interpreted as Evidence for Dropping Bilingual Education: The Case of Bali (2001)
Stephen D Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

The Acquisition of Academic English by Children in Two-Way Programs: What does the Research Say? (2005: In V. Gonzales and J. Tinajero (Eds.) Review of Research and Practice, National Association for Bilingual Education, vol 3: 1-19)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

Let's Tell the Public the Truth about Bilingual Education (2005; In V. Gonzales and J. Tinajero (Eds.) Review of Research and Practice, National Association for Bilingual Education, vol 3: 165-173)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

How much do parents know about bilingual education and immersion? Reasons for optimism (Multilingual Education)
Augustine Garcia and Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

There Was No "Oceanside Miracle" (2006)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

Bilingual Education Accelerates English Language Development (2006)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

The Impact of English Immersion for English Learners in California, Arizona, and Massachusetts (2006)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

Improvement in California? What CELDT Scores Really Tell Us (2006)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

Omissions and Distortions from The Lexington Institute: Comments on Torrance (2006)
Stephen Krashen      Posted: 2006-12-28

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